Saturday, February 1, 2014

Do these girls like me? And are they ignoring me? If so why?

[TL;DR below] I(15M) have known this girl(15F, whom we shall call A) since 2011 because we were classmates and had to sit together in class for the first quarter. We were also lab partners for 2 years. We became friends and go to a lot of the same events like parties. Then, I started liking her and eventually told her which she replied with just "Okay ;x". It was kind of awkward since this was my first time confessing and so I couldn't tell her that I thought she was a great person and couldn't show her how much I liked her and I think this is why I got friendzoned. After that, it was awkward. Luckily, it was the last week of school. The next year, we got less awkward until it became almost normal. However, it felt like she started liking me halfway through the year. For example, when my friend said something about me liking another girl(15F, who was her bestfriend and whom we shall call B), A was looking at me so intently, it seemed like she wanted me to disprove it. She once also se

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